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Bristol Refugee Artists Collective


“Generations” (detail), mixed recycled media, 2019, by Sam The Artist

In 2017 I helped some refugee and asylum seeker friends to organise an art exhibition and residency in Bristol. We became known as the Bristol Refugee Artists Collective. Encouraged by our initial success, the group expanded and has continued to produce exciting projects in collaboration with a range of partners. You can find out about the artists and projects at our website here.

The Collective is men and women of many nationalities. It is a practical exploration of the power of art and artists to bring people together across divisions of knowledge, culture, gender and language through collaboration and exchange. A special question for me is: what can be achieved through challenging conventional hierarchies of power-knowledge?

The image detail at the top of this page is from a mixed media painting called “Faces in the dark…” by Rosa Michellon, a BRAC Artist.
